
Marine WIntes was born in the Water Kingdom on the planet Neptune. Her father who was part human, was also a water priest, of the 7th temple at the river Jupiter. Her mother was a naval officer, and the chief battlements operator at the undersea station of Tribec.


The water kingdom has incalculable magic power. Extending throughout every hemisphere on Neptune, the water kingdom is largely itself an underwater world.  On a planet that is large enough to contain 58 earths, there are a staggering number of a nations under one authority all protected deeply within undersea constructs made entirely of pure gold.

But though constructed in Neptian gold, the kingdom is not invulnerable. It is therefore water magic that breathes life to the kingdom and protects it as well. The power of the magic is all around and makes the Neptune world quite dangerous. Water magic has the power to bring life surely, but it also can conjure many hideous beasts, many evils.

There are countless many threats in the water kingdom, mostly born of magic, science, and evil, and the kingdom has suffered them all well. But times are changing...

Many centuries ago Neptune was ruled by the god Poseidon. Poseidon built the water kingdom with his own magic, and it was he who drove out the inferior nations of fire and ice. Poseidon ruled with absolute authority for many generations, but 2,500 years ago, he and his fellow gods were defeated and scattered across space and time.


Every citizen of Neptune knows its history, and they all know of Poseidon's fall. But they were all of them taught to believe that Poseidon had died and would never return again. And having been without a god for so long, the Neptian people have craved a hero and they have made one out of a woman who was born on Neptune but who has lived on Earth. Her name is Marine Winters but the people of Neptune have come to call her the Neptune Queen. She is a very special Neptian, by every measure she is the most powerful Neptian the world has ever seen, she is rumored to radiate water magic, like a god.

Her powers have always been constant, though her loyalties perhaps a bit more conflicted. Marine Winters has tried to remain connected to Neptune but her heart more closely belongs on Earth. Her strange origin has become a part of her mythic legend; orphaned shortly after birth, and sent to safety by her dying father who had made the ultimate sacrifice, losing his life to a salt dragon, in order to protect his family.

Though she had left her world at birth, rumors of her had begun to swirl around the water kingdom in her teenage years, well before Marine Winters had finally gone there as an adult. Returning to Neptune was a totally alien experience for the young girl, for she had no memory of any of it. She therefore had to be educated, to learn who she truly was and where she came from. She had to learn also about her great power and the magic behind it.


But very soon, the people of Neptune were calling her “Queen”.