I created Neptune Queen for my mother. I miss her a hell of a lot. Quite honestly I didn’t start out with that purpose in mind. Actually it was kind of accidental. I had developed the story world already from long nights watching old World War 2 films, but the character herself, didn’t come into full view until my mind drifted towards her.

Her name was Delia. It’s a Greek name and I’ve always felt that it was perfect. I love that name. It’s an unusual name, or so I had always thought, until a friend informed me that in the Phillipines, it’s quite common. Nonetheless, for me the name is special, obviously.

Anyway as odd as it may seem, the Neptune Queen derives from this name. I don’t mean literally. What I mean is that it wasn’t until I started thinking about my mother and her name specifically, that the concept for the Neptune Queen came into full view. The character has really become for me, a strange ode to her.

I’ve long felt that writing is the most important exercise in the field of art because it is the only endeavor where the possibilities are truly limitless. I don’t know where this journey will take me, particularly in terms of what any of it will ultimately say about or for my mother. Maybe the Neptune Queen will allow me to give a voice to some things she had to go through. Or maybe it will be more or less complicated than that, maybe the Neptune Queen will be some strange fascination of the kind of person I saw her as, my hero.